Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine
Essential contents of TCM includes the physiological basis of essence, Qi, spirit, blood and body fluid, and yin-yang. Study of organ function, channel and collateral theory, constitutional theory, etiology and pathomechanism, and also principle of prevention and treatment are important areas of TCM practice.
As a registered TCMP, Marzyeh Moazenzadeh use the principle of ancient Chinese philosophy to diagnosis and treatment of diseases. There are different methods of treatment in TCM such as acupuncture that not only open the channel obstruction and related pain and somatic symptom but also treat different organ imbalance by inserting fine needle in specific point. The World Health Organisation recognises acupuncture as a suitable treatment for a wide variety of conditions. Acupuncture is usually, but not always, combined with herbal medicine. The needles are small, sterile and disposable. Patients do not normally feel any pain, although they may experience a feeling of warmth, tingling, dull ache or a heavy sensation. Other common treatment modalities in TCM are Moxibustion which is a warming method to regulate the body, Tui na which is manual massage therapy as well as Qi gong and tai qi quan. By practicing Herb beside acupuncture can treat disorders more effectively.
Body Imbalance
Skin Disease
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Herbal Medicine
Treat Body System Imbalance due to TCM Disease
Skin Disorders