Natural Dermatology
Marzyeh Moazenzadeh is a Canadian-board-certified Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner. Her extensive background in Western Medicine in the field of Dermatology has given her a solid wealth of knowledge about skin lesions and their management.
Using TCM approaches and natural remedies has become more accepted in treatment of common skin diseases in recent years. TCM dermatology is a terminology that in recent twenty years we can see in many case studies and research proposal in Western countries. There are many formulas that can treat internally and externally common skin disorders like Acne and Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis, alopecia and many other skin conditions.
TCM philosophy is to treat the body as a whole; all aspects of the patient must be fully assessed to understand a disorder and chose the treatment. Internal imbalance, external factors, excesses and deficiencies can lead to organ dysfunction. Emotional factors, diet, activity and leisure, and natural intolerance play important roles in developing diseases, and skin disorders are not exceptional.